Planetensuche / hunting for exoplanets  

Planetensuche Downloads

Updates are automaticly downloaded and installed over the update function in program. Please read for more information the handbook.

Planetensuche needs Java as runtime environment. Please download Planetensuche including JRE or make sure that Java 17 (JRE+FX) is installed.


full version 6.28

This is the complete version with all features and pictures, without JRE.

download zip, 429.8 MB

full version 6.28 with JRE

This is the complete version with all features and pictures, with JRE.

download zip, 761.5 MB

at the first run under MS windows:
execute the "windows-start.bat" and configure the program

notes for Linux and Mac OS users:
- after unzip of zip file please change permissons with chmod +x+w -R [planetensuche folder] that all files are writeable and executeable
- after them run the "" / "" (then same doings under Windows); if message "unable to access jar file" occur please execute manual with java -jar planetensuche.jar
- under Ubuntu you must the .sh files to marking as executable (file properties -> access rights or command 'chmod')


older versions

full version 6.27

download zip, 427.9 MB

full version 6.27 with JRE

download zip, 754.2 MB


• • •
Gerd Gühne
Kohlweg 10
04347 Leipzig